So many times I have been asked to write to inspire others.
I nodded to the Editor and said “OK, I will do it.”
For someone who has been asked to write, It doesn’t matter how you feel, who you are, what you have achieved. What matters now is that you deliver, and you deliver within your deadline (or whenever your Editor feels that he or she needs to see your work).
I have met several people who have achieved so much in their life, but without inspiration. They do believe they can do it, but they are also equipped with brains and assets that allow them to thrive without trying hard. They do things as set in their goals, and targets. They never climb out of their domain unnecessarily.
“Why bothered being so inspired and risk your life for something you don’t know?”, asked many of them.
Yet, many of have are successful in their careers. A number of them are also successful in their family life, as well as other aspects of life.
I have met several people who have achieved a little in their life, but full of energy, aspiration and momentum to go further. Little things they have achieved inspire them to go further – into the path they have never walked, and onto the roads they have never known, and will never know, where they would lead to. As they look back, they know what they have left behind – “fear” that has kept many of us walking in circle.
Yet, a number of them fail. Some of them are lacking behind others. Some of them are walking backward.
“I’m not sure if this is where I belong to,” wondered many of them, “but I will keep going.”
There are differences between people who have achieved and those who can, and will, inspire others. The differences lie within their hearts.
Not their achievement. Not fame. Not wealth. Not how you perceive them to me. Not how much you admire them.
Next time, when you read about how someone can inspire you, perhaps you may give it a try with those who do not possess the quality you are looking for, but those who have “stories”. Because they are not the same.